Perl is an effective programming language which is commonly used for making CGI scripts as well as many different web-based applications. One of its main advantages is the fact that it works with modules - ready-made batches of program code that are used to do various tasks and to increase the effectiveness of a certain script without slowing it with unnecessary lines of program code. To put it simply, in the event that five tasks should be executed, you can use five lines of program code to call each of the modules instead of adding a few hundred lines used to set up the actual modules inside your script. Perl is really handy and it can be used for many different purposes, so a wide range of companies have included it in their web products or on their resource-demanding websites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and many more. It's generally used along with other languages for instance PHP or Python.

Perl Scripting in Shared Hosting

In case you buy a shared hosting from our company, you'll be able to execute Perl/CGI scripts without a problem as we have a lot of modules installed on the cloud hosting platform where the shared accounts are created. With each plan, you'll get access to more than 3000 modules that you'll be able to use in your scripts and you'll find the complete list within your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel along with the path that you have to use in order to gain access to them. When you use any script which you have downloaded from a third-party website, you can be sure that it will work flawlessly whatever the modules it needs for that. Any .pl script can be executed manually or you will be able to set up a cron job to do this automatically at a specific time interval. In case your website hosting package doesn't come with cron jobs, you are able to include this feature with just a few clicks within the Upgrades section of your Control Panel.